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Gnartly  is the name of an extremely original Online Art Exhibition that LGC Indonesia is hosting to  show  the artwork from local and international artists who have a common passion :skating.  Skaters & Longboarders, girls and boys alike are welcome to include  their works in this online exhibit where the main theme is Skating and the lifestyle that accompanies it. The artists can participate with any form of art they want which ranges from  illustration, animated GIF to video art, video documentary, music loop, customed decks, or any other type of artwork that can be shared online.
Up till now they have received the work of Longboarding artists illustrator like Ishtar backlund from Sweden, Andrea Trigo Valencia from Spain, Austin Nitsua from Australia,  Unklejoy  from Bali, Pink VS Black  from Jakarta, Ican Harem and many more.
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hi im Raihatul Janah, call me Chemy.. im graphic designer, illustrator, pattern designer, and beat sound maker.. born and living in Bali..